Friday, February 26, 2010

Hobby Post Number... ah nvm (-_-")

It looks like the update rate for this blog is once a year. That's really bad on my part, but it just really shows how there's nothing deep and serious that I need to share happening in my life at the moment.

In other words, things could be better, but I'd rather not change anything now. I'm more or less healthy (not fit - fit means not overweight, good skin / complexion, etc., and I have neither) I think my position at work is stable, and I have loved ones around me. I'm ok with no changes and keeping the status quo, as opposed to risking any of these things.

"Contentment is a virtue."

If I were to select a family motto, I'd choose that.

Recent updates: I've gotten a co-worker back into cardboard crack, AKA Magic: The Gathering. The office decks are pretty much not following Standard / T2 for the most part, which is why I can get away with 75-card Slivers and 61-card All Allies No Spells. Metagame is dominated by an Esper aggro-control deck centered around Scourglass, Master of Etherium, and big flying robots, which pretty much folds in on itself when I play a Tuktuk Scrapper. I maindeck 2 in my AANS, and jokingly threaten to side in all 4 if the owner of the Esper deck doesn't come up with an alternative deck. In turn, my AANS loses badly against Elves (the half part of an Elves VS Goblins box) and Kithkin, only eking out a win against the re-addicted guy's Goblins because of his inexperience / rustiness.

He says he hadn't been able to play in a while, and when he found that me and the Esper guy played actively, he had his brother FedEx his cards to the capital (he lived in a Visayan city before moving to my office). Now That's addiction, er, dedication.

On occasion I throw the guys a bone and bring out Hive 75 (essentially a tweaked version of the Slivers Premium Deck), and I love seeing their decks react to the mutating swarm. The jig is still up when Scourglass hits the board, though, so if anyone has a spare Harmonic Sliver or 2, let me know how much you want for it, or if you're willing to trade 4 Lightning Bolts for 1 of them.

Hive 75 may get a diet to slim down to 60, or the Allies might decide to lose one of its 4 colors and gain some spells in return - direct damage, combat tricks, or recovery. We'll see if we have time - Super Robot Taisen Original Generation Saga Mugen No Frontier EXCEED is keeping me busy. Note the title - it's not Endless Frontier, but Mugen no Frontier - that's right, I'm playing the Japanese version, as the English one won't be out until 6-12 months from now.

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